2 minutes
Automate Plex Clean-up
In an old post I teach how to create your own Netflix with Docker Compose. The problem is that over time you can download several movies with really low rating, or from a genre you are not a fan.
I have created a small Jupyter Notebook to help me with my spring-cleaning (in this case winter). Feel free to modify it to your case.
from plexapi.myplex import MyPlexAccount
account = MyPlexAccount('USERNAME', 'PASSWORD')
plex = account.resource('PLEX SERVER NAME').connect()
movies_to_delete = list()
movies_to_refresh = list()
movies = plex.library.section('Films')
liked_genres = {'Comedy', 'Horror', 'Sci-Fi', 'Mystery', 'Adventure', 'Action', 'Fantasy', 'Thriller',
'Science Fiction', 'Action/Adventure', 'Crime', 'Western', 'Animation'}
for movie in movies.search(unwatched=True):
genres = set()
for genre in movie.genres:
if len(genres & liked_genres) == 0:
print("Movie {} not with liked genres: {}".format(movie.title, genres))
movies = plex.library.section('Films')
for video in movies.search(unwatched=True):
title = video.title
rating = video.rating
audience = video.audienceRating
if rating is not None and rating < 4.0 and audience is None:
print("title = {title}, rating = {rating}, audience = {audience}".
format(title = title, rating = rating, audience = audience))
if rating is not None and rating < 5.0 and \
audience is not None and audience < 5.0:
print("title = {title}, rating = {rating}, audience = {audience}".
format(title = title, rating = rating, audience = audience))
if rating is not None and audience is not None and \
(rating + audience)/2 < 5.0:
print("title = {title}, rating = {rating}, audience = {audience}".
format(title = title, rating = rating, audience = audience))
if audience is not None and audience < 4.0:
print("title = {title}, rating = {rating}, audience = {audience}".
format(title = title, rating = rating, audience = audience))
if audience is None or rating is None:
movies = plex.library.section('Films')
for movie in movies.search(unwatched=True):
for media in movie.media:
for part in media.parts:
languages = list()
for audioStream in part.audioStreams():
language = audioStream.language
if language is not None:
if len(languages) > 0 and 'English' not in languages:
print("The movie {} is not in English ({})".format(movie.title, languages))
# for movie in movies_to_delete:
# print("Deleting {}".format(movie.title))
# movie.delete()
# for movie in movies_to_refresh:
# print("Refresing metadata of movie for next run: {}".format(movie.title))
# video.refresh()
For safety I have commented the lines that delete or trigger a refresh in Plex, so you can copy/paste and try it without risk
Happy cleaning