3 minutes
Messages between applications: MQTT and Python
To make use of MQTT in Python, we need to install a library to communicate with the server. A populat choice is Paho from Eclipse.
As usual we can use pip to install it
!!pip3 install paho-mqtt
['Requirement already satisfied: paho-mqtt in /home/luis/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages (1.5.1)']
Publish a message
import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt
Help on function publish in module paho.mqtt.client:
publish(self, topic, payload=None, qos=0, retain=False, properties=None)
Publish a message on a topic.
This causes a message to be sent to the broker and subsequently from
the broker to any clients subscribing to matching topics.
topic: The topic that the message should be published on.
payload: The actual message to send. If not given, or set to None a
zero length message will be used. Passing an int or float will result
in the payload being converted to a string representing that number. If
you wish to send a true int/float, use struct.pack() to create the
payload you require.
qos: The quality of service level to use.
retain: If set to true, the message will be set as the "last known
good"/retained message for the topic.
properties: (MQTT v5.0 only) the MQTT v5.0 properties to be included.
Use the Properties class.
Returns a MQTTMessageInfo class, which can be used to determine whether
the message has been delivered (using info.is_published()) or to block
waiting for the message to be delivered (info.wait_for_publish()). The
message ID and return code of the publish() call can be found at
info.mid and info.rc.
For backwards compatibility, the MQTTMessageInfo class is iterable so
the old construct of (rc, mid) = client.publish(...) is still valid.
rc is MQTT_ERR_SUCCESS to indicate success or MQTT_ERR_NO_CONN if the
client is not currently connected. mid is the message ID for the
publish request. The mid value can be used to track the publish request
by checking against the mid argument in the on_publish() callback if it
is defined.
A ValueError will be raised if topic is None, has zero length or is
invalid (contains a wildcard), except if the MQTT version used is v5.0.
For v5.0, a zero length topic can be used when a Topic Alias has been set.
A ValueError will be raised if qos is not one of 0, 1 or 2, or if
the length of the payload is greater than 268435455 bytes.
client = mqtt.Client()
client.connect("localhost", 1883, 60)
client.publish('example/path', 'Hello world!', retain=True)
<paho.mqtt.client.MQTTMessageInfo at 0x7fa8440554f0>
Retrieve message
client2 = mqtt.Client()
client2.connect("localhost", 1883, 60)
def on_message(client, userdata, msg, properties=None):
print(msg.topic+" "+str(msg.payload))
client2.on_message = on_message
example/path b'Hello world!'
If everything went well, we should see Hello world as output.
This is a very simple example, and Paho provides support for reconnecting and more callbacks functions, while here we only saw on_message